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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hermana Inman Letter February 18, 2014

Read the Book of Mormon!

Our second home was doctor's office this week.  Hermana Woodruff has been so, so sick.  We had to take her to urgent care on Thursday because she couldn't keep anything down in her body and so they had to put IV's in her to give her some nutrients and strength. We've also been in and out of the doctor's offices and labs doing blood work and tests to try to figure out what's wrong, then yesterday she had a procedure done, too (an endoscopy), so I was her designated driver and chef for the day haha.  She was really funny on anesthesia.  So I've had a ton of down time in the apartment and at the doctor while she's been sick, which means the apartment is super clean, I can almost quote all of Ephraim's Rescue, AND, I FINISHED THE BOOK OF MORMON IN SPANISH!! It's taken me almost all of my mission to finish it in Spanish, but I finally finished it yesterday!  The Book of Mormon is true.  I testify that it is, and I know that as we read it we grow closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.  I can say that because that is what happened to me as I read it, time and time again. The spirit testifies to me each time I read that the accounts in that book really did happen, and that doctrine in that book is pure, and is of Christ. Read it. Pray about it. Ponder it.  You will receive a testimony just like I have, as well as all those who I have met here on the mission who have become converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Congratulations to Shane on his mission call!!!!!!!  CHILE! SPANISH!  That's so awesome!! Their Spanish is really cool, too!! Wow that's awesome!  Tell him congratulations for me! 

We only had one exchange this past week  because of my companion's health, so we'll be doing them all back to back this week.... no matter how early I schedule the exchanges in the transfer, for one reason or another, they always have to be re-scheduled and all end up happening in the same week. It's all good though, I'm not too worried about it. Plus, we picked up a new investigator Isaac on our exchange!  He's Catholic, but he's very excited to read the Book of Mormon!  I'll let you know how it goes! 
Zone conference is this week, and our zone will be with Del Mar zone!  Which means I get to see Sister MacKay and my other friends from Del Mar!  So that will be fun!  We got free tamales from some Jehova Witnesses this week, so that was cool!  They asked us to buy some and we told them we didn't have any money (which is true!), so they gave us some for free! That's not something that happens every day. Maria Infante is great, we are just trying to help her come to church.  She's embarrassed to go in public much, so we're trying to help her get some good friends to help her feel comfortable there. She asked me to come with her to Mexico after I end my mission.  She's from Sonora, Mexico and wants to show me her pueblo!  Wouldn't that be fun! Viviana and Briana have been in Mexico this week so we haven't been able to teach them, they're still great because rather than just not be there for our appointments, she calls us ahead of time to tell us she won't be there but tells us which day we can come instead.  That shows real interest!  It's really nice!  We had a really neat lesson with one of our less-active/part-member families last night.  We taught the restoration and the spirit was so strong, and at the end of the lesson the non-member dad gave the prayer and prayed for the desire to come to church and the desire to quit drinking alcohol.  It was so neat :) he's never had the desire nor prayed for it, so it was beautiful to see his progress after being touched by the spirit. 

Congratulations Torie on your concerts!  You're awesome! And Jesse is so special and I am grateful to have his sweet spirit in our family. He must have been one of Heavenly Father's most valiant spirits. I'm glad you guys had a good valentine's day, and I'm glad that you are still in love mom and dad :)  that sounds like a silly thing to say, but it really is such a blessing to have such a strong family that originates with the love between the parents.  

I love you all and am so grateful for you.  Thanks for all that you do.  Have a great week, and don't forget to do the small, simple things each day.
Hermana Inman

weird dinner of the week:  an entire fish! eye balls and all!

Just on the patio of our new bishop's beach house.  no big deal. the sun was really bright.
This is Leti, the investigator who wants to get baptized so bad but just needs permission from her husband... she is the most golden and humble person I have ever met.
This picture sums up this week.