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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hermana Inman Letter June 11, 2013

Weird Experiences.

This week was exciting! I was on exchanges from Tuesday through Saturday, which means I had a different companion everyday from Tues-Sat and I got to go to their areas. That was fun but exhasting. We picked up 3 new investigators this week- Carmen, Antonia and Francisco (but we call them Tonia y Pancho). Funny story about that- so we were over at their house for the first time, and Antonia said we could call her by her nickname, which is "Tonia" and Francisco said he has about 3 nicknames. He started naming them off: Pancho, Kiko... ( I thought he said "pico"...).. So I said, "ok, great, I'll call you Pico!" And his wife and the sister I was with started busting up laughing, and Francisco looked at me like I was crazy. Then his wife says "esta bien, ella no sabe" which means, "it's alright, she doesn't know." So then after the lesson I asked the sister I was with why they were laughing at me, and she told me, "because you called him pico! do you know what pico means?!" I said "no...?" She tells me, "pico is slang for a male's private part, and that's what you called Francisco!" hahahaha how embarrassing is that?! AH! The joys of learning a new language.
That same night we also met the craziest lady I have ever met in my life. We were looking for somebody who gave us "their address" and knocked on the door. This old lady comes to the door, and I kid you not, she is the female version of lord voldemort from Harry Potter. Pasty white and balding, skinny, but she did have a nose. She even spoke in strange languages. She answers the door and says "you just woke me up. welcome to your worst nightmare!" And then she sleeks back the few hairs that she has. Her dog runs out the door and she starts yelling at him "Pedro! Pedro! (then insert the strange unknown language..). Then she turns to us and says, "that's German for 'I love you with all my heart'" (I can promise you that was not german.. and she was not saying I love you...more like I want to eat you...). Then she throws her dog into the other room and tells us how she saved her dog from some cholos in mexico who were illegaly breeding these dogs. Then she proceeds to tell us that she feels like she's 175 today. Then hermana Schwegler (the sister I was with) tells her that she looks great for 175! Then this lady stands up on her tippy-toes, hunches over, starts jumping up and down and starts saying "BUG OFF!! BUG OFF!! BUG OFF!!" over and over again. I was sure she was going to reach out and strangle me like they do in scary movies. Then she goes on to tell us about how she is Methodist, and then lifts up her nightgown and says "look at my legs! Not bad for 175, eh?!" and then she shuts the door.. We weren't sure if we should laugh or scream. But yeah, anyways, that was the weirdest experience that I've had so far.
Carmen, the other investigator we picked up is golden. She's been calling us in the daytime to pray with us, it's really neat :). And she's been reading the scriptures and praying on her own! Adolfo came to church and an activity on Sunday, and we'll be seeing him tonight, so that's awesome! Alfredo lives in Vista, so he's not my investigator anymore. No, he's not baptized, his dad forbade him from doing that or talking to the missionaries, I think. That's what the sisters over there told me.
Sorry my letters have been short. Yes, I've been getting a lot of emails and I only have 1 hour of email time so it's really hard to get around to everyone. Handwritten letters (even if they're tpyed up) are preferred please :) because I would love to hear from each of you and reply back to your letters, but I just don't have enough time to email everybody. (this excludes family, of course). 
We went to the temple today, it was great! :) I always find such peace there.
Have a happy father's day dad! I love you and miss you and wish we could skype on your day, too. I sent you a letter in the mail.
I'm glad everyone is doing okay! I hope Torie has fun at her camps!
I love you and miss you all! Have a great week and wear sunscreen!
Hermana Inman
I held a snake this week! It was terrifying!
The son of the lady who cut my hair that day kind of threw it at me.

Life-sized Cut-out of Jesus in a missionary apartment!