So let me tell you about our investigator Dominick. We started teaching Dominick about 2 weeks ago; he's a former investigator who has been taught all the lessons, but wouldn't get baptized because he had an issue with one of the commandments(about one year ago). Two weeks ago hermana Eskeets and I decided to go over to his house and meet him and try to talk to him about the church again. It went well and we had 2 more appointments set up with him for that week. We had intended to just reteach him everything and hope that maybe he would feel the spirit stronger or get a deeper testimony or something... but when we got there to teach the lesson, the spirit prompted us to go a different route, and just re-teach this one commandment that he was struggling with. We did. We taught him with analogies and focused on the blessings that come when we obey this commandment. At the end of the lesson he said that it made a lot more sense, but that it's going to be so hard to obey. But, if it's worth it, then I will do it. We promised him that it is worth it and that the Lord would bless him with the strength to keep this commandment if he asked for help. We invited him to pray that night and ask Heavenly Father for a desire to keep this commandment. We didn't get to see him for about a week or so after that, and then the other night we got a text from Dominick that said "hey, can you get me a ride to church on Sunday? And is it to late for me to be baptized?" We told him that of course he can still be baptized! So he then asked, "when is the soonest you can baptize me?" (this isn't real life- this doesn't just happen). So basically, he came to church, we had a lesson with him yesterday, and he told us that he had prayed about keeping the law of chastitiy (you guessed it), and knew that it was something that God wanted him to obey. So, he broke up with his girlfriend, and he's 100% willing to do everything he needs to in order to be baptized. He's already invited all of his friends and family, he's been going through his itunes and deleting all of the innapropriate songs (without us even telling him to), he's stopped swearing- he's turned into a saint haha. Anyway, that was a really long story that sounds way the heck more boring than it is- because it's actually super exciting. But, long story short- DOMINICK IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON MAY 18!!!!!!!! WWWOOOOOOO!!!! :) :) :)
Alfredo, one of our other investigators came to church again on Sunday and he's doing awesome. He still hasn't set a baptismal date with us, but we will soon. Blanca is still being stubborn but still defends us when other people try to talk to her about "the mormons" and she told the JW to go away the other day because she's with the mormons haha.
Torie CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SCHOLARSHIP!!! YOU ARE SO AWESOME! You worked so hard for that! I am so proud of you! :) wow! Jesse's room sounds fun! You'll have to send pics.
I'm doing great! I was sick this last week with asthma and sinuses, but I've been taking medicine and I'm pretty much all better now. I'm not sure if it's due to the fires or not, but from what I can tell, I haven't seen or smelt any smoke from the fires.
Thanks for sharing cool mission stories! It's always encouraging and fun to hear about other people's experiences. Sorry to those who have written or emailed me who have not ret received a letter back... I've been super busy but will write to you asap!
I love you all and hope you have a great week! Pray for Dominick that he may be ready for his baptism next week!
Hermana Inman