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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hermana Lacey Inman Letter March 26, 2013

Hola Mis Angeles!

Just so you know, the "subject" at the top of each of my emails each week is something that the members or investigators call us haha. It's great.
I'm glad to hear that you are all doing well. When is Torie's audition? Hopefully Ms. Trent is the judge! That'd be awesome!
This week our district and the zone leaders went on a blitz in mine and Hermana Farr's area. A blitz is when all of the missionaries in our district take from 1-2 hours to find people to teach in just one missionary's area. Because our area so desperately needed it, the zone leaders were inspired to do this this week. Miracles happened :). In that hour and a half, we picked up one new investigator and had about 13 or so new potencials. We have appointments set with almost every single one of them, and have already gotten another new investigator from this blitz. so, basically, because of the blitz, we picked up 2 new investigators so far and are likely to pick up a couple more this week. It's so exciting and refreshing to have people to teach. Hopefully this lasts for awhile.
Have I ever told you that our church building is next door to a Jehova Witness chapel? It's great. A sister from the Jehova Witness church knocked on our apartment door yesterday not knowing we were missionaries. She invited us to their memorium services they are going to have this weekend... we chatted... it was an interesting experience. Anyway, I know that this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is true. It brings me so much happiness and I am so grateful for this time of year that we have to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. The church is launching a special Easter program on for the Hispanic community this week up until Easter- if you know any hispanics, let them know about it! What are your Easter plans? We don't have any, just the normal work! Which, I'm totally okay with. I think that doing the Lord's work is the best way I could celebrate Easter right now. I don't know if it's just this city or if it's the Hispanic culture in general, but the people here don't make a big deal out of Easter really.
We sang a musical number in an English ward with 4 other sister missionaries on Sunday. We sang Nearer My God to Thee. It was such a neat experience. The spirit was so strong, people were crying, and everybody gave huge compliments afterwards. It truly felt like angels were singing with us. After sacrament people mentioned that they could feel the presence of angels and that they were so touched by the spirit. It's amazing to me because I'm definitely not a performer, I don't have the best singing voice, but I have seen throughout my mission so far that the Lord is helping me to develop my talents to benefit others. As people ask us to do musical numbers (it happens a lot), I have learned that because I take a leap of faith, the Lord will help me to not sound awful, and then I sound decent enough to bring the spirit, and allow others to be blessed from my talents, no matter how small they may be. Talents are not for our own benefit, and we should share them with all.
Tina is doing alright. She has such bad health that she is in and out of the hospital during the week. The other night Hna Farr and I went to their house and made spaghetti for the family, then we shared a message. It was fun :). Her grandkids love the gospel and love it when we come over. Oh, and guess what? While we were sharing the message of the restoration, we got to the part about Joseph Smith, and Tina got all excited and started telling her grandkids the story of Joseph Smith and testifying of its truthfulness. I love moments like that.
I love you all and hope you have a beautiful Easter. Don't forget the real reason we celebrate. Jesus Christ died on the cross but was then resurrected 3 days later. He lives and blesses with His love. His Atonement allows us to overcome our fallen state, and we too will be resurrected one day.
I love you and miss you. Be safe and have a great week. :)
Hermana Inman