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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hermana Inman Letter March 19, 2013

Remember the car lady I told you about? So we passed by her house last Tuesday night, and it turns out she is a former investigator! She's ready to take the lessons again and she wants an answer. Her name is Ernestina (everyone calls her Tina), and she is now our investigator :) what a neat miracle. What makes it even more of a miracle is that Tina has declining health, and because of that, she is not allowed to drive. But, it just so happens, that the one day she decides to drive, is the day that she passed us in the street and was able to contact us! AND, we were on that street at that time as a last minute decision. That my friends is divine intervention and is no coincidence. We have another appointment with Tina tonight and are hoping to set a baptismal date with her.
Oh, I forgot to tell you last week that we experienced a tiny earthquake! It was so cool! It only lasted for like one minute, but the whole apartment was shaking and things were moving and yep... it was pretty awesome. Obviously it wasn't serious because it's not on the news and hardly anybody heard about it or even felt it.
I'm glad you had a good birthday Torie! Did you get my card? I'm also glad that you guys enjoyed your time with Bob and Marilyn. Mom, I'm so sorry about Uncle Reed :( I know you always looked up to him. It sounds like you're having fun with the garden dad! I'm glad. Hopefully the dogs won't eat it all or dig it up. Those stinkers.. Did you get to see Sandy? Tell her hi for me! I'm excited to see Torie's prom pictures! I'm also anxious to hear what happens with Jesse's schooling. I'll keep praying for him, and for you mom and dad, for Heavenly Father to help you know what would be best for Jesse.
Thanks for my meds and the pictures!! Did Jesse grow taller? And Torie looks so pretty! And your hair is so long, too! It's ok about the music, don't stress about it. Jimmy and Lauren sent me some letters with cute notes and pictures from Parker and Linden :) that was fun.
That's crazy that all of these missionaries are coming home! Time flies! I'm quickly approaching my 6 months and that's crazy to me. I'm a third of the way done! That's insane! I just got here!
Are you all excited for conference? You should invite all of your non-member friends to watch it. Less active friends, too.
Anyway, I don't have very much news for this week, but it was a good one! The work is moving forward and we are working hard! Thanks for your prayers and letters. :)
I love and miss you all. Have a fun and safe week!
Hermana Inman