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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hermana Inman's Thanksgiving Letter 2012

Things are so crazy at the MTC right now.  Today is supposed to be our Pday, but since it's Thanksgiving and there is a special program, we don't get to have a p-day... except for 2 hours this morning for everybody to do their laundry in the same laundry room... SO, everybody in the MTC who has a Thursday p-day was doing laundry at the same time in the same laundry room this morning.  It was nuts.  Also, since a general authority is speaking to us in a couple hours, people have been lined up outside since 6:30am this morning waiting to get a good seat.  It doesn't even start til 10!! So crazy!  Half the MTC is already in line...
Anyway, this week we learned about gifts of the Holy Ghost (spiritual gifts).  We can find what those gifts are in D&C 42.  It's interesting to recognize which gifts are yours and to think about how you are using them to benefit others.  I encourage you to read through D&C 42 and think of which spiritual gifts you have been given and how you are using them to benefit others, because after all, we're only given them to benefit God's children! 
I saw Elder Jacob Moss yesterday!  He has to be here for 12 weeks, I can't even imagine how awful that would be.  I'm here for 9 weeks and I'm already anxious to get out of here!  I love the MTC but it's time that I get out of here and go teach the people in California.  I've got cabin fever!
Did Alicia Campbell ever get those cards I left for her and her mother?  I left it by the fabric we used for my skirts?
I'm excited to see the bonus room when I get back!  It sounds like you're doing some fun things to it!  :)
Thank you for sending me Tim's address!  I've put his letter in the mail.  Has Julio gotten back to you? Is Jake home for Thanksgiving?  It brought a huge smile to my face to see what he posted about me on FB, thank you :).  I love getting mail from my family and friends!
Are you going black friday shopping tomorrow?  What are Torie and Jesse asking for for Christmas this year?  haha
Last night our zone had a "pre-thanksgiving kickoff party"  with all of the food packages our zone received.  There was SO MUCH FOOD!  After class we all just went outside in the courtyard and ate tons of food and sang goofy songs and just had an awesome time until it was time for bed.  Our zone really is the best!  We're all united and have a great time together.  
Thank you so much for all of your encouraging and loving words!  It's so nice to hear words of encouragement that keep me going throughout the day or help me end my day on a good note. 
On this Thanksgiving day (and everyday), I am so thankful for my family, friends, the Gospel, our doggies, missionary work, scriptures, food, shelter, warmth, health, clothes, shoes, to live in this country, my companion, my district, my zone, my teachers, letters, email, internet, toothpaste, beds, pillows, blankets, hairbrushes, soap, medicine, music, and so so many other blessings in my life that I could go on for hours!!  I have been blessed with so much in my life and I am grateful for this day that we have to reflect on all of them.  However, it is important to make everyday a thanksgiving, and always remember and give thanks for all of the blessings we have been given, and we must remember from whom all great things come, which is our Heavenly Father.  One of the speakers the other day mentioned that thanksgiving is equivelent to worshipping.  When you give thanks to the Lord, you are worshipping Him.  Don't you just feel so much happier when you're grateful?  I do.
Gracias por tu pensimientos and oraciones.  Estoy muy agradecida por todo el ayuda y amor de mis amigos y mi familia. Estoy muy agradecia por la oportunidad servir un mision y ser misionara por Dios.  Oro cada dia para ustedes y siempre pienso sobre ustedes.  Espera que ustedes tendran un buen tiempo a la casa de abuelo y abuela!  Por favor diga ellos "hola y te amo"  por yo! Que tenga un buen dia y dia de gracias! Te amo mucho.
con amor,
Hermana Inman
p.s. lo siento por mi pobre espanol, estoy tratando a hablar mejor, pero, yo soy gringa.