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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hermana Inman Letter January 22, 2013

Another Crazy Week!

Hello fam bam,
Thank you so much for my package of medicine and snacks! Those are some of my favorite snacks! And I love to breathe, so that was nice as well. I've been really sick this past week. I've actually been sick off and on for about 3 weeks or so. I keep coming down with different viruses or infections, and so by now my immune system is shot and is having a hard time fighting off new viruses that keep coming my way, and so this week my body's been really down. It's okay though, I'm on a ton of medication and have been eating really healthy and have been drinking lots of water, so hopefully it'll all be gone soon. I've got a virus but I'm not sure what. Sister Cook called the dr. and that's what he told her. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good today! No fever! :). I might need some more singulair in a couple weeks.
I'm so glad that this weekend went so well for you! I'm sure Jake did a fantastic job, and how neat that Bro. Thalman was able to sing that song that mom's dad used to sing at farewells. Mom told me about Jesse's talk and it made me cry haha he is just so precious and I could here his cute little voice speaking when I was reading it in mom's email. How fun that so many old friends came to the party for grandma and grandpa!! I bet that was a blast :) I am so grateful for them and the wonderful family they have created. That was so nice of Torie to make that beanie for Jake! I'm sure he'll need it in that cold weather! She is so talented!
You asked how the baptism went this past week... it didn't happen :( this past week we had to drop two of our investigators because they just wouldn't progress. I know someday they'll come around when it's their time, but right now it's just a waste of our time to keep seeing them if they aren't going to work towards baptism. We can use that time to find others who are ready. We had to stop seeing Gabriel, our favorite investigator just the other day, and it was a total surprise, but we had a hard heart-to-heart, and it was very clear to us that he wouldn't be ready for awhile. On a brighter note, that very same night, the Lord blessed us with a new investigator named Juan Pablo, and we have high hopes for him! We also received 2 referrals this week from people who want to learn about the Gospel! We are so excited :).
We had interviews with President Cook this past week and it went very well.  Things are getting much better :)
I'm afraid I don't have much time left. I've only got 25 seconds! Literally! so I've got to go.
I love you and miss you all very much!