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Monday, September 16, 2013

Hermana Inman Letter September 16, 2013

I'm Old.
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a nice birthday, the members gave me some cake and sang to me (Mexicans have a different birthday song than the one we all know! I recorded it (3 times), but I can't figure out how to send videos home, so eventually you'll see it when I send my memory card home. At the end of the song they make you bite into the cake and then they shove your face in the cake, but I was too fast, so nobody had the chance to :) only a little bit of my nose. I didn't receive any birthday mail, mail takes at least one week to get to me after you send it, but I'll probably get it this week or next week. Actually, Hermana Farr sent me a birthday card :) that was fun! I was surprised she remembered when it was!  

They took a couple parts of our area this week and gave them to the Elders, so Eliza (the lady I talked about last week) is now in their area.  It's kind of a bummer, but then again it's okay because we picked up more investigators this past week! We got a referral on Friday for a family. A young couple with two little girls and they have some friends who Freddy works with (Freddy is the husband, Sarahi the wife) who has introduced them to the gospel. They went to church last Sunday and loved it, and they requested the missionaries to come over and teach them. Their family has recently gone through some large trials and realize that they need Christ to be a bigger part of their lives. Freddy is not Hispanic, but speaks it fluently because of schooling, and his wife Sarahi is from Mexico and can speak very little English.  It's a cool situation but kind of weird because he talks to us in English and she talks to us in Spanish so our lessons are in Spanglish. But, the gospel is the same in every language, right? We also met a young man in our complex the other day and invited him to come to church.  His name is Juan. He accepted and came to church yesterday, for all three hours, and loved it! He was crying throughout the class because he was so touched by the Spirit and he said that from now on he'd be at church every Sunday, even if that means he has to work all day and all night.  His dad will be joining us next week as well :) good things are happening!! 

Dad, which mission did you serve in? The bishop's wife is from Argentina and is a convert, and would like to know which mission you served in because maybe you were the one who baptized her mom! Also, do you ever watch "The District?" The tv show about the life of missionaries in San Diego? Well the sister on there, Zalvadar or something, is from Argentina, and didn't you baptize a family with that name? 

The members here are great, I love them so much and we have good relationships :) that is key! The Spanish is going pretty good, my companion is still awesome and we're hoping and praying that we get one more transfer together! Transfer calls are on Saturday, so we'll find out if we both stay or not.  

Those miracles you shared with me are amazing!!! The Lord truly loves you and is looking out for you :) be sure to give Him thanks! 

I love you all and miss you!  Thanks in advance for my birthday present :) I have the greatest family EVER!

Hermana Inman