We picked up a new investigator this week named Maricruz. She's a roommate to a family in the ward and has a lot of questions, so Wednesday afternoon Yasmin texted us and said "hey, I have a friend who has a lot of questions and wants to talk to you, can you be at my house at 1pm tomorrow?" and we said OF COURSE! So we went to the lesson the next day and taught her about the restoration. She had so many great questions and is thirsty for the truth. She's been to church 2 weeks in a row now and loves it :) it's just hard for her to accept some things because she is a baptized Apostolic, and we believe things differently, but she has seen the blessing the gospel has been for Yasmin and her family and she wants the same things for her 2 boys. We don't have a baptismal date with her yet, but she has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday and is awesome.
We helped the Palacios family have their very first Family Home Evening last night, and it was so precious :) the spirit was there and the family enjoyed time together without any fighting or electronics. They called us at 6:45 and said "sisters! are you on your way yet?! we're all so anxious! We need to start right on time because we can't wait!" So when we showed up at 7:00, they were all sitting in the kitchen/living room on top of blankets they had set out for FHE, picnic style. They each did their "jobs" (we made a rotating- jobs board for FHE earlier this week), so Carlos was the "conductor," Leti was in charge of the opening song, grandma gave the prayer, Vanessa gave the lesson, etc. etc. It was so sweet and cute. I really love that family. They've made so many changes and are so strong. We got to go on an actual picnic with them this week and the kids just ran and laughed and played outside- they loved it. They never get out of the house and they've been begging us every day since to take them on another picnic. It was fun- when we met at their house before the picnic we told them to leave behind all of their videogames and to only take the food we needed- then related it to Lehi's family in 1 Nephi leaving Jerusalem and leaving behind all of their precious things. Then, when we got to "the wilderness"(park), we told the boys that they needed to go back and get "the plates" aka the scriptures. It was a fun way for them to understand one of the stories in the Book of Mormon.
Hermana Woodruff is better! We found out that she is gluten intolerant. After all this time, that's all it was. We're so happy for her that she's healthy now and can fix the problem she's had for years!
I'm a little sickly this week- I have a bad sinus infection (again... that always happens). I just hope it goes away ASAP because I have 3 exchanges this week and zone training that I have to train in.
We had another experience this week kind of like the one we had with Robbie. Do you remember her? This man like Robbie was contemplating taking his own life that day and we knocked on his door at just the right time. We didn't go inside, but we talked to him for awhile on his front porch, and I really hope and pray that something we said to him brought the spirit and helped him change his mind. The Lord's timing in impeccable.
I'm glad Torie had a good birthday :). It's hard to believe that she's 18! I can tell she's changed a lot in the last year and a half. I'm excited to be her roommate soon :). I would like to take a couple online classes this summer 2nd block before I go up there in the fall. Just get some generals out of the way. Sweet that there's some RM discounts! I'm all about that! Mom that's neat that BYU-I was ranked for most attractive and smartest- #16, not too bad! I'd have to agree! I love it there!
That's exciting to hear about all of the mission calls! Those are neat places to go! I'm excited to hear about the next lesson with Tawnya and Lauren. The missionaries will be guided by the spirit and know what to do.
I love you all and miss you! Have a great week!
Hermana Inman
The Palacios - I love these people