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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hermana Inman Letter September 3, 2013


Hey! How was everyone's Labor Day? They switch our P-days when they fall on holidays.. more people are outside and at home so it's a good opportunity to find people to teach. This past week was a little rough, but it didn't get me down. We dropped several investigators, including Daniel, the one we just found and set a baptismal date with. We couldn't get ahold of him at all and he wouldn't return our calls... we're pretty sure that it's because of his girlfriend who gets super jealous (he told us about her and told us that it might be a problem), and also, his family is all part of the Jehova Witness church, so you can imagine he had no support in his decision to learn more and be baptized. It just means that right now is not the right time. We had to reschedule with Lucy for next Monday, and Jacobo is doing well! He promised to ask for work off on Sundays and he has been reading in the Book of Mormon and praying. He's stubborn... but we're working with him. We spent a lot of time working with less active members this past week. We also had zone conference this past week, which is always fun and inspiring. Some of my friends are going home within a couple weeks, so that was fun to see them one last time. Does anybody know why sister missionaries can only serve for 18 months and not 2 years? We get jipped! So not fair! I need more time!!! Time is going by way to fast and it's not okay! I'll be home in 7 months! Or less! With the mission changes and divisions, they cut a few transfers one week short, so it cut off like 3 weeks of my mission! Not cool! I need more time! Ah!

Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FOOD PACKAGE!!!!!!!!! That was awesome!!!! We had chocolate chip pancakes the other night and it was so good! I'm excited to make the other things you sent me as well. Thank you so much :) we've got a super tight budget as missionaries, so it's a huge blessing and treat when we are given food haha. I ate octopus this past week... and soupy ceviche which is basically shrimp with cilantro and limes and other ingredients... it made me sick haha but I'm fine now. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSE!! He'll have to tell me all about his party. I'm sure it will be tons of fun. Mom your candy wrapper story made me laugh pretty hard- people looked at me in the library haha. Torie and Jake sound like they're doing well and I'm happy to hear it :) 

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Hermana Inman